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A History Of The Revival


The Brownsville Revival: A Look Back

A History of the Revival

The Brownsville Revival, also known as the Pensacola Outpouring, was a widely reported Christian revival within the Pentecostal movement that began on Father's Day 1995 at the Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida. The revival was characterized by nightly services that lasted for several hours, with attendees reportedly experiencing physical manifestations such as shaking, falling, and speaking in tongues. The revival drew thousands of visitors from around the world and was credited with revitalizing the Pentecostal movement.

Why the Revival Ended

The Brownsville Revival ended in 2000, after five years of continuous services. There are multiple reasons why the revival ended, but some of the most commonly cited factors include:

  • Leadership issues: The revival was led by a team of pastors, but there was reportedly tension and conflict within the leadership team. This led to some pastors leaving the revival, which weakened the overall leadership.
  • Financial issues: The revival was supported by donations from attendees, but there were allegations of financial mismanagement. This led to some donors withdrawing their support, which put a strain on the revival's finances.
  • Burnout: The revival was a demanding experience for the pastors and staff, who worked long hours and were under a lot of pressure. This led to some of them burning out and leaving the revival.

The Legacy of the Brownsville Revival

The Brownsville Revival had a significant impact on the Pentecostal movement. It helped to revitalize the movement and brought new attention to the Pentecostal experience. The revival also raised awareness of the importance of leadership and financial management in Pentecostal churches.

The Brownsville Revival is a reminder that God can use anyone, anywhere, anytime, to change their world. The revival showed that even in the midst of our issues, God can use us to make a difference.

